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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# =============================================================================
# check_lsi_raid: Nagios/Icinga plugin to check LSI Raid Controller status
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Created as part of a semester project at the University of Applied Sciences
# Hagenberg (http://www.fh-ooe.at/en/hagenberg-campus/)
# Copyright (c) 2013-2016:
#   Georg Schoenberger  (gschoenberger@thomas-krenn.com)
#   Grubhofer Martin    (s1110239013@students.fh-hagenberg.at)
#   Scheipner Alexander (s1110239032@students.fh-hagenberg.at)
#   Werner Sebastian    (s1110239038@students.fh-hagenberg.at)
#   Jonas Meurer        (jmeurer@inet.de)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# ==============================================================================
# Modified by Bogdan Kukharskiy, NameCheap Inc. <bogdan.kukharskiy@namecheap.com>
# Removed --nocleanlogs option
# Updated: function getControllerInfo() modified to use storcli64 new commands format
#          function getVerboseString() modified to parse new storcli64 output
# Added  GasGauge ignore functionality
# Added: CasGauge checking is disabled while Battery is in Learning State

use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case);
use File::Which;

our $VERBOSITY = 0;
our $VERSION = "2.5.1";
our $NAME = "check_lsi_raid: Nagios/Icinga plugin to check LSI Raid Controller status";
our $C_TEMP_WARNING = 85;
our $C_TEMP_CRITICAL = 95;
our $PD_TEMP_WARNING = 45;
our $CV_TEMP_WARNING = 70;
our ($IGNERR_M, $IGNERR_O, $IGNERR_P, $IGNERR_S, $IGNERR_B) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
our $CONTROLLER = 0;

use constant {
    STATE_OK => 0,

# Header maps to parse logical and physical devices
our $LDMAP;
our @map_a = ('DG/VD','TYPE','State','Access','Consist','Cache','sCC','Size');
our @map_cc_a = ('DG/VD','TYPE','State','Access','Consist','Cache','Cac','sCC','Size');
our @pdmap_a = ('EID:Slt','DID','State','DG','Size','Intf','Med','SED','PI','SeSz','Model','Sp');

# Print command line usage to stdout.
sub displayUsage {
    print "Usage: \n";
    print "  [ -h | --help ]
    Display this help page\n";
    print "  [ -v | -vv | -vvv | --verbose ]
    Sets the verbosity level.
    No -v is the normal single line output for Nagios/Icinga, -v is a
    more detailed version but still usable in Nagios. -vv is a
    multiline output for debugging configuration errors or more
    detailed information. -vvv is for plugin problem diagnosis.
    For further information please visit:
    print "  [ -V --version ]
    Displays the plugin and, if available, the version of StorCLI.\n";
    print "  [ -C <num> | --controller <num> ]
    Specifies a controller number, defaults to 0.\n";
    print "  [ -EID <ids> | --enclosure <ids> ]
    Specifies one or more enclosure numbers, per default all enclosures. Takes either
    an integer as additional argument or a commaseperated list,
    e.g. '0,1,2'. With --noenclosures enclosures can be disabled.\n";
    print "  [ -LD <ids> | --logicaldevice <ids>]
    Specifies one or more logical devices, defaults to all. Takes either an
    integer as additional argument or a comma seperated list e.g. '0,1,2'.\n";
    print "  [ -PD <ids> | --physicaldevice <ids> ]
    Specifies one or more physical devices, defaults to all. Takes either an
    integer as additional argument or a comma seperated list e.g. '0,1,2'.\n";
    print "  [ -Tw <temp> | --temperature-warn <temp> ]
    Specifies the RAID controller temperature warning threshold, the default
    threshold is ${C_TEMP_WARNING}C.\n";
    print "  [ -Tc <temp> | --temperature-critical <temp> ]
    Specifies the RAID controller temperature critical threshold, the default
    threshold is ${C_TEMP_CRITICAL}C.\n";
    print "  [ -PDTw <temp> | --physicaldevicetemperature-warn <temp> ]
    Specifies the disk temperature warning threshold, the default threshold
    is ${PD_TEMP_WARNING}C.\n";
    print "  [ -PDTc <temp> | --physicaldevicetemperature-critical <temp> ]
    Specifies the disk temperature critical threshold, the default threshold
    is ${PD_TEMP_CRITICAL}C.\n";
    print "  [ -BBUTw <temp> | --bbutemperature-warning <temp> ]
    Specifies the BBU temperature warning threshold, default threshold
    is ${BBU_TEMP_WARNING}C.\n";
    print "  [ -BBUTc <temp> | --bbutemperature-critical <temp> ]
    Specifies the BBU temperature critical threshold, default threshold
    is ${BBU_TEMP_CRITICAL}C.\n";
    print "  [ -CVTw <temp> | --cvtemperature-warning <temp> ]
    Specifies the CV temperature warning threshold, default threshold
    is ${CV_TEMP_WARNING}C.\n";
    print "  [ -CVTc <temp> | --cvtemperature-critical <temp> ]
    Specifies the CV temperature critical threshold, default threshold
    is ${CV_TEMP_CRITICAL}C.\n";
    print "  [ -Im <count> | --ignore-media-errors <count> ]
    Specifies the warning threshold for media errors per disk, the default
    threshold is $IGNERR_M.\n";
    print "  [ -Io <count> | --ignore-other-errors <count> ]
    Specifies the warning threshold for media errors per disk, the default
    threshold is $IGNERR_O.\n";
    print "  [ -Ip <count> | --ignore-predictive-fail-count <count> ]
    Specifies the warning threshold for media errors per disk, the default
    threshold is $IGNERR_P.\n";
    print "  [ -Is <count> | --ignore-shield-counter <count> ]
    Specifies the warning threshold for media errors per disk, the default
    threshold is $IGNERR_S.\n";
    print "  [ -Ib <count> | --ignore-bbm-counter <count> ]
    Specifies the warning threshold for bbm errors per disk, the default
    threshold is $IGNERR_B.\n";
    print "  [ -p <path> | --path <path>]
    Specifies the path to StorCLI, per default uses the tool 'which' to get
    the StorCLI path and also checks for binaries in /opt/MegaRAID/storcli.\n";
    print "  [ -b <0/1> | --BBU <0/1> ]
    Check if a BBU or a CacheVault module is present. One must be present unless
    '-b 0' is defined. This ensures that for a given controller a BBU/CV must be
    present per default.\n";
    print "  [ -gg <0/1> | --GasGauge <0/1> ]
    Specifies if GasGaugeStatus should be checked.\n";
    print "  [ --noenclosures <0/1> ]
    Specifies if enclosures are present or not. 0 means enclosures are
    present (default), 1 states no enclosures are used (no 'eall' in
    storcli commands).\n";
    print "  [ --nosudo ]
    Turn off using sudo.\n";
#    print "  [ --nocleanlogs ]
#    Do not clean storcli logs after running storcli commands.\n";

# Displays a short Help text for the user
sub displayHelp {
    print $NAME."\n";
    print "Pulgin version: " . $VERSION ."\n";
    print "Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Thomas-Krenn.AG\n";
    print "Current updates available at
    print "This Nagios/Icinga Plugin checks LSI RAID controllers for controller,
physical device, logical device, BBU and CV warnings and errors.\n";
    print "In order for this plugin to work properly you need to add the nagios
user to your sudoers file (or create a new one in /etc/sudoers.d/).\n";
    print "Further information about this plugin can be found at:
    http://www.thomas-krenn.com/de/wiki/LSI_RAID_Monitoring_Plugin and
Please send an email to the tk-monitoring plugin-user mailing list:
if you have questions regarding use of this software, to submit patches, or
suggest improvements.
Example usage:
* If StorCli can be found with 'which' or in /opt/MegaRAID/storcli
  * check_lsi_raid
* check_lsi_raid -p /opt/MegaRAID/storcli/storcli64
* check_lsi_raid -p /opt/MegaRAID/storcli/storcli64 -C 1\n";

# Prints the name and the version of check_lsi_raid. If storcli is available,
# the version of it is printed also.
# @param storcli The path to storcli command utility
sub displayVersion {
    my $storcli = shift;
	my @storcliVersion = `$storcli -v`;
	foreach my $line (@storcliVersion){
	    if($line =~ /^\s+StorCli.*/) {
		$line =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
		print $line;
	print "\n";

# Checks if a storcli call was successfull, i.e. if the line 'Status = Sucess'
# is present in the command output.
# @param output The output of the storcli command as array
# @return 1 on success, 0 if not
sub checkCommandStatus{
    my @output = @{(shift)};
    foreach my $line (@output){
	if($line =~ /^Status/){
	    if($line eq "Status = Success\n"){
		return 1;
	    elsif (grep { /Fail(ed|ure)\s+46/i } @output){
		# Return 46 means a drive is not attached, this is a valid failure
		return 1;
		return 0;

# Shows the time the controller is using. Can be used to check if the
# controller number is a correct one.
# @param storcli The path to storcli command utility, followed by the controller
# number, e.g. 'storcli64 /c0'.
# @return 1 on success, 0 if not
sub getControllerTime{
    my $storcli = shift;
    my @output = `$storcli show time`;
    return (checkCommandStatus(\@output));

# Get the status of the raid controller
# @param storcli The path to storcli command utility, followed by the controller
# number, e.g. 'storcli64 /c0'.
# @param logDevices If given, a list of desired logical device numbers
# @param commands_a An array to push the used command to
# @return A hash, each key a value of the raid controller info
sub getControllerInfo{
    my $storcli = shift;
#    my $writelogs = shift;
    my $commands_a = shift;
    my $command = '';

    $storcli =~ /^(.*)\/c[0-9]+/;
    $command = $1.'/c'.$CONTROLLER.' show all';
#    if(!defined($writelogs)){
#	$command = $1.'adpallinfo a'.$CONTROLLER.' -NoLog';
#    }
#    else{
#	$command = $1.'adpallinfo a'.$CONTROLLER;
#    }

    push @{$commands_a}, $command;
    my @output = `$command`;
    if($? >> 8 != 0){
	print "Invalid StorCLI command! ($command)\n";
    my %foundController_h;
    foreach my $line(@output){
	if($line =~ /\:/){
	    my @lineVals = split(':', $line);
	    $lineVals[0] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
	    $lineVals[1] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
	    $foundController_h{$lineVals[0]} = $lineVals[1];
    foreach my $line(@output){
	if($line =~ /\=/){
	    my @lineVals = split('=', $line);
	    $lineVals[0] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
	    $lineVals[1] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
	    $foundController_h{$lineVals[0]} = $lineVals[1];
    return \%foundController_h;

# Checks the status of the raid controller
# @param statusLevel_a The status level array, elem 0 is the current status,
# elem 1 the warning sensors, elem 2 the critical sensors, elem 3 the verbose
# information for the sensors.
# @param foundController The hash of controller infos, created by getControllerInfo
sub getControllerStatus{
    my @statusLevel_a = @{(shift)};
    my %foundController = %{(shift)};
    my $status = '';
    foreach my $key (%foundController){
	if($key eq 'ROC temperature'){
	    $foundController{$key} =~ /^([0-9]+\.?[0-9]+).*$/;
		if(!(checkThreshs($1, $C_TEMP_CRITICAL))){
		    $status = 'Critical';
		    push @{$statusLevel_a[2]}, 'ROC_Temperature';
		elsif(!(checkThreshs($1, $C_TEMP_WARNING))){
		    $status = 'Warning' unless $status eq 'Critical';
		    push @{$statusLevel_a[1]}, 'ROC_Temperature';
		$statusLevel_a[3]->{'ROC_Temperature'} = $1;
	elsif($key eq 'Degraded'){
	    if($foundController{$key} != 0){
		$status = 'Warning' unless $status eq 'Critical';
		push @{$statusLevel_a[1]}, 'CTR_Degraded_drives';
		$statusLevel_a[3]->{'CTR_Degraded_drives'} = $foundController{$key};
	elsif($key eq 'Offline'){
	    if($foundController{$key} != 0){
		$status = 'Warning' unless $status eq 'Critical';
		push @{$statusLevel_a[1]}, 'CTR_Offline_drives';
		$statusLevel_a[3]->{'CTR_Offline_drives'} = $foundController{$key};
	elsif($key eq 'Critical Disks'){
	    if($foundController{$key} != 0){
		$status = 'Critical';
		push @{$statusLevel_a[2]}, 'CTR_Critical_disks';
		$statusLevel_a[3]->{'CTR_Critical_disks'} = $foundController{$key};
	elsif($key eq 'Failed Disks'){
	    if($foundController{$key} != 0){
		$status = 'Critical';
		push @{$statusLevel_a[2]}, 'CTR_Failed_disks';
		$statusLevel_a[3]->{'CTR_Failed_disks'} = $foundController{$key};
	elsif($key eq 'Memory Correctable Errors'){
	    if($foundController{$key} != 0){
		if(!(checkThreshs($foundController{$key}, $C_MEM_CORRECTABLE_CRITICAL))){
		    $status = 'Critical';
		    push @{$statusLevel_a[2]}, 'CTR_Memory_correctable_errors';
		elsif(!(checkThreshs($foundController{$key}, $C_MEM_CORRECTABLE_WARNING))){
		    $status = 'Warning' unless $status eq 'Critical';
		    push @{$statusLevel_a[1]}, 'CTR_Memory_correctable_errors';
		$statusLevel_a[3]->{'CTR_Memory_correctable_errors'} = $foundController{$key};
	elsif($key eq 'Memory Uncorrectable Errors'){
	    if($foundController{$key} != 0){
		$status = 'Critical';
		push @{$statusLevel_a[2]}, 'CTR_Memory_Uncorrectable_errors';
		$statusLevel_a[3]->{'CTR_Memory_Uncorrectable_errors'} = $foundController{$key};
    if($status ne ''){
	if($status eq 'Warning'){
	    if(${$statusLevel_a[0]} ne 'Critical'){
		${$statusLevel_a[0]} = 'Warning';
	    ${$statusLevel_a[0]} = 'Critical';
	$statusLevel_a[3]->{'CTR_Status'} = $status;
	$statusLevel_a[3]->{'CTR_Status'} = 'OK';

# Checks which logical devices are present for the given controller and parses
# the logical devices to a list of hashes. Each hash represents a logical device
# with its values from the output.
# @param storcli The path to storcli command utility, followed by the controller
# number, e.g. 'storcli64 /c0'.
# @param logDevices If given, a list of desired logical device numbers
# @param action The storcli action to check, 'all' or 'init'
# @param commands_a An array to push the used command to
# @return A list of hashes, each hash is one logical device. Check ldmap_a for valid
# hash keys.
sub getLogicalDevices{
    my $storcli = shift;
    my @logDevices = @{(shift)};
    my $action = shift;
    my $commands_a = shift;

    my $command = $storcli;
    if(scalar(@logDevices) == 0) { $command .= "/vall"; }
    elsif(scalar(@logDevices) == 1) { $command .= "/v$logDevices[0]"; }
    else { $command .= "/v".join(",", @logDevices); }
    $command .= " show $action";
    push @{$commands_a}, $command;

    my @output = `$command`;
    my @foundDevs;
    if(checkCommandStatus(\@output)) {
	if($action eq "all") {
	    my $currBlock;
	    foreach my $line(@output){
		my @splittedLine;
		if($line =~ /^\/(c[0-9]*\/v[0-9]*).*/){
		    $currBlock = $1;
		    if($line =~ /^DG\/VD TYPE.*/){
			@splittedLine = split(' ', $line);
			if(scalar(@splittedLine)== 9){
			    $LDMAP = \@map_a;
			if(scalar(@splittedLine)== 10){
			    $LDMAP = \@map_cc_a;
		    if($line =~ /^\d+\/\d+\s+\w+\d\s+\w+.*/){
			@splittedLine = map { s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; $_; } split(/\s+/,$line);
			my %lineValues_h;
			# The current block is the c0/v0 name
			$lineValues_h{'ld'} = $currBlock;
			for(my $i = 0; $i < @{$LDMAP}; $i++){
				$lineValues_h{$LDMAP->[$i]} = $splittedLine[$i];
			push @foundDevs, \%lineValues_h;
	elsif($action eq "init") {
	    foreach my $line(@output){
		$line =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;#trim line
		if($line =~ /^([0-9]+)\s+INIT.*$/){
		    my $vdNum = 'c'.$CONTROLLER.'/v'.$1;
		    if($line !~ /Not in progress/i){
			my %lineValues_h;
			my @vals = split('\s+',$line);
			$lineValues_h{'ld'} = $vdNum;
			$lineValues_h{'init'} = $vals[2];
			push @foundDevs, \%lineValues_h;
    else {
	print "Invalid StorCLI command! ($command)\n";
    return \@foundDevs;

# Checks the status of the logical devices.
# @param statusLevel_a The status level array, elem 0 is the current status,
# elem 1 the warning sensors, elem 2 the critical sensors, elem 3 the verbose
# information for the sensors.
# @param foundLDs The array of logical devices, created by getLogicalDevices
sub getLDStatus{
    my @statusLevel_a = @{(shift)};
    my @foundLDs = @{(shift)};
    my $status = '';
    foreach my $LD (@foundLDs){
	    if($LD->{'State'} ne 'Optl'){
		$status = 'Critical';
		push @{$statusLevel_a[2]}, $LD->{'ld'}.'_State';
		$statusLevel_a[3]->{$LD->{'ld'}.'_State'} = $LD->{'State'};
	    if($LD->{'Consist'} ne 'Yes' && $LD->{'TYPE'} ne 'Cac1'){
		$status = 'Warning' unless $status eq 'Critical';
		push @{$statusLevel_a[1]}, $LD->{'ld'}.'_Consist';
		$statusLevel_a[3]->{$LD->{'ld'}.'_Consist'} = $LD->{'Consist'};
	    $status = 'Warning' unless $status eq 'Critical';
	    push @{$statusLevel_a[1]}, $LD->{'ld'}.'_Init';
	    $statusLevel_a[3]->{$LD->{'ld'}.'_Init'} = $LD->{'init'};
    if($status ne ''){
	if($status eq 'Warning'){
	    if(${$statusLevel_a[0]} ne 'Critical'){
		${$statusLevel_a[0]} = 'Warning';
	    ${$statusLevel_a[0]} = 'Critical';
	$statusLevel_a[3]->{'LD_Status'} = $status;
	    $statusLevel_a[3]->{'LD_Status'} = 'OK';

# Checks which physical devices are present for the given controller and parses
# the physical devices to a list of hashes. Each hash represents a physical device
# with its values from the output.
# @param storcli The path to storcli command utility, followed by the controller
# number, e.g. 'storcli64 /c0'.
# @param physDevices If given, a list of desired physical device numbers
# @param action The storcli action to check, 'all', 'initialization' or 'rebuild'
# @param commands_a An array to push the used command to
# @return A list of hashes, each hash is one physical device. Check pdmap_a for valid
# hash keys.
sub getPhysicalDevices{
    my $storcli = shift;
    my @enclosures = @{(shift)};
    my @physDevices = @{(shift)};
    my $action = shift;
    my $commands_a = shift;

    my $command = $storcli;
	if(scalar(@enclosures) == 0) { $command .= "/eall"; }
	elsif(scalar(@enclosures) == 1) { $command .= "/e$enclosures[0]"; }
	else { $command .= "/e".join(",", @enclosures); }
    if(scalar(@physDevices) == 0) { $command .= "/sall"; }
    elsif(scalar(@physDevices) == 1) { $command .= "/s$physDevices[0]"; }
    else { $command .= "/s".join(",", @physDevices); }
    $command .= " show $action";
    push @{$commands_a}, $command;

    my @output = `$command`;
    my @foundDevs;
	if($action eq "all") {
	    my $currBlock;
	    my $line_ref;
	    foreach my $line(@output){
		my @splittedLine;
		if($line =~ /^Drive \/(c[0-9]*\/e[0-9]*\/s[0-9]*) \:$/){
		    $currBlock = $1;
		    $line_ref = {};
		    # If a drive is not in a group, a - is at the DG column
		    if($line =~ /^\d+\:\d+\s+\d+\s+\w+\s+[0-9-F]+.*/){
			@splittedLine = map { s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; $_; } split(/\s+/,$line);
			# The current block is the c0/e252/s0 name
			$line_ref->{'pd'} = $currBlock;
			my $j = 0;
			for(my $i = 0; $i < @pdmap_a; $i++){
			    if($pdmap_a[$i] eq 'Size'){
				my $size = $splittedLine[$j];
				if($splittedLine[$j+1] eq 'GB' || $splittedLine[$j+1] eq 'TB'){
				    $size .= ''.$splittedLine[$j+1];
				$line_ref->{$pdmap_a[$i]} = $size;
			    elsif($pdmap_a[$i] eq 'Model'){
				my $model = $splittedLine[$j];
				# Model should be the next last element, j starts at 0
				if(($j+2) != scalar(@splittedLine)){
				    $model .= ' '.$splittedLine[$j+1];
				$line_ref->{$pdmap_a[$i]} = $model;
				$line_ref->{$pdmap_a[$i]} = $splittedLine[$j];
		    if($line =~ /^(Shield Counter|Media Error Count|Other Error Count|BBM Error Count|Drive Temperature|Predictive Failure Count|S\.M\.A\.R\.T alert flagged by drive)\s\=\s+(.*)$/){
			$line_ref->{$1} = $2;
		    # If the last value is parsed, set up for the next device
		    if(exists($line_ref->{'S.M.A.R.T alert flagged by drive'})){
			push @foundDevs, $line_ref;
			undef $currBlock;
			undef $line_ref;
	elsif($action eq 'rebuild' || $action eq 'initialization') {
		foreach my $line(@output){
		$line =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;#trim line
		if($line =~ /^\/c$CONTROLLER\/.*/){
		    if($line !~ /Not in progress/i){
			my %lineValues_h;
			my @vals = split('\s+',$line);
			my $key;
			if($action eq 'rebuild'){ $key = 'rebuild'; }
			if($action eq 'initialization'){ $key = 'init'; }
			$lineValues_h{'pd'} = substr($vals[0], 1);
			$lineValues_h{$key} = $vals[1];
			push @foundDevs, \%lineValues_h;
	# Now we check if a drive is not attached, error code 46
	my $failed_pattern = 'c[0-9]*\/e[0-9]*\/s[0-9]*\s+Failure\s+46';
	if(my @match = grep { /$failed_pattern/ } @output){
	    $match[0] =~ /(c[0-9]*\/e[0-9]*\/s[0-9]*)/;
	    my $dev = {};
	    $dev->{'pd'} = $1;
	    $dev->{'Detailed Status'} = 'Failure-46';
	    push @foundDevs, $dev;
    else {
	if(grep { /No drive found/i } @output){
	    print "Warning (CTR Warn) [No storage attached] ($command)\n";
	print "Invalid StorCLI command! ($command)\n";
    return \@foundDevs;

# Checks the status of the physical devices.
# @param statusLevel_a The status level array, elem 0 is the current status,
# elem 1 the warning sensors, elem 2 the critical sensors, elem 3 the vebose
# information for the sensors.
# @param foundPDs The array of physical devices, created by getPhysicalDevices
sub getPDStatus{
    my @statusLevel_a = @{(shift)};
    my @foundPDs = @{(shift)};
    my $status = '';
    foreach my $PD (@foundPDs){
	    if($PD->{'State'} ne 'Onln' && $PD->{'State'} ne 'UGood' && $PD->{'State'} ne 'GHS' && $PD->{'State'} ne 'DHS' && $PD->{'State'} ne 'JBOD'){
		$status = 'Critical';
		push @{$statusLevel_a[2]}, $PD->{'pd'}.'_State';
		$statusLevel_a[3]->{$PD->{'pd'}.'_State'} = $PD->{'State'};
	if(exists($PD->{'Shield Counter'})){
	    if($PD->{'Shield Counter'} > $IGNERR_S){
		$status = 'Warning' unless $status eq 'Critical';
		push @{$statusLevel_a[1]}, $PD->{'pd'}.'_Shield_counter';
		$statusLevel_a[3]->{$PD->{'pd'}.'_Shield_counter'} = $PD->{'Shield Counter'};
	if(exists($PD->{'Media Error Count'})){
	    if($PD->{'Media Error Count'} > $IGNERR_M){
		$status = 'Warning' unless $status eq 'Critical';
		push @{$statusLevel_a[1]}, $PD->{'pd'}.'_Media_error_count';
		$statusLevel_a[3]->{$PD->{'pd'}.'_Media_error_count'} = $PD->{'Media Error Count'};
	if(exists($PD->{'Other Error Count'})){
	    if(($IGNERR_O != -1) && ($PD->{'Other Error Count'} > $IGNERR_O)){
		$status = 'Warning' unless $status eq 'Critical';
		push @{$statusLevel_a[1]}, $PD->{'pd'}.'_Other_error_count';
		$statusLevel_a[3]->{$PD->{'pd'}.'_Other_error_count'} = $PD->{'Other Error Count'};
	if(exists($PD->{'BBM Error Count'})){
	    if($PD->{'BBM Error Count'} > $IGNERR_B){
		$status = 'Warning' unless $status eq 'Critical';
		push @{$statusLevel_a[1]}, $PD->{'pd'}.'_BBM_error_count';
		$statusLevel_a[3]->{$PD->{'pd'}.'_BBM_error_count'} = $PD->{'BBM Error Count'};
	if(exists($PD->{'Predictive Failure Count'})){
	    if($PD->{'Predictive Failure Count'} > $IGNERR_P){
		$status = 'Warning' unless $status eq 'Critical';
		push @{$statusLevel_a[1]}, $PD->{'pd'}.'_Predictive_failure_count';
		$statusLevel_a[3]->{$PD->{'pd'}.'_Predictive_failure_count'} = $PD->{'Predictive Failure Count'};
	if(exists($PD->{'S.M.A.R.T alert flagged by drive'})){
	    if($PD->{'S.M.A.R.T alert flagged by drive'} ne 'No'){
		$status = 'Warning' unless $status eq 'Critical';
		push @{$statusLevel_a[1]}, $PD->{'pd'}.'_SMART_flag';
	if(exists($PD->{'Detailed Status'})){
	    if($PD->{'Detailed Status'} eq 'Failure-46'){
		$status = 'Warning' unless $status eq 'Critical';
		push @{$statusLevel_a[1]}, $PD->{'pd'}.'_Detailed_status';
	    if($PD->{'DG'} eq 'F'){
		$status = 'Warning' unless $status eq 'Critical';
		push @{$statusLevel_a[1]}, $PD->{'pd'}.'_DG';
		$statusLevel_a[3]->{$PD->{'pd'}.'_DG'} = $PD->{'DG'};
	if(exists($PD->{'Drive Temperature'})){
	    my $temp = $PD->{'Drive Temperature'};
	    if($temp ne 'N/A' && $temp ne '0C (32.00 F)'){
		$temp =~ /^([0-9]+)C/;
		if(!(checkThreshs($1, $PD_TEMP_CRITICAL))){
		    $status = 'Critical';
		    push @{$statusLevel_a[2]}, $PD->{'pd'}.'_Drive_Temperature';
		elsif(!(checkThreshs($1, $PD_TEMP_WARNING))){
		    $status = 'Warning' unless $status eq 'Critical';
		    push @{$statusLevel_a[1]}, $PD->{'pd'}.'_Drive_Temperature';
		$statusLevel_a[3]->{$PD->{'pd'}.'_Drive_Temperature'} = $1;
	    $status = 'Warning' unless $status eq 'Critical';
	    push @{$statusLevel_a[1]}, $PD->{'pd'}.'_Init';
	    $statusLevel_a[3]->{$PD->{'pd'}.'_Init'} = $PD->{'init'};
	    $status = 'Warning' unless $status eq 'Critical';
	    push @{$statusLevel_a[1]}, $PD->{'pd'}.'_Rebuild';
	    $statusLevel_a[3]->{$PD->{'pd'}.'_Rebuild'} = $PD->{'rebuild'};
    if($status ne ''){
	if($status eq 'Warning'){
	    if(${$statusLevel_a[0]} ne 'Critical'){
		${$statusLevel_a[0]} = 'Warning';
	    ${$statusLevel_a[0]} = 'Critical';
	$statusLevel_a[3]->{'PD_Status'} = $status;
	    $statusLevel_a[3]->{'PD_Status'} = 'OK';

# Checks the status of the BBU, parses 'bbu show status' for the given controller.
# @param storcli The path to storcli command utility, followed by the controller
# number, e.g. 'storcli64 /c0'.
# @param statusLevel_a The status level array, elem 0 is the current status,
# elem 1 the warning sensors, elem 2 the critical sensors, elem 3 the verbose
# information for the sensors.
# @param commands_a An array to push the used command to
sub getBBUStatus {
    my $storcli = shift;
    my @statusLevel_a = @{(shift)};
    my $commands_a = shift;
    my $gasg = shift;

    my $command = "$storcli /bbu show status";
    push @{$commands_a}, $command;

    my $status = '';
    my @output = `$command`;
    if(checkCommandStatus(\@output)) {
	my $currBlock;
	foreach my $line (@output) {
	    if($line =~ /^(BBU_Info|BBU_Firmware_Status|GasGaugeStatus)/){
		$currBlock = $1;
		$line =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;#trim line
		if($currBlock eq 'BBU_Info'){
		    if ($line =~ /^Battery State/){
			$line =~ /([a-zA-Z]*)$/;
			    # disabling checking GasGauge while Battery is in Learning State
			    if($1 eq 'Learning'){
				$gasg = 0;
			    if($1 ne 'Optimal'){
				$status = 'Warning' unless $status eq 'Critical';
				push @{$statusLevel_a[1]}, 'BBU_State';
				$statusLevel_a[3]->{'BBU_State'} = $1
		    elsif($line =~ /^Temperature/){
			$line =~ /([0-9]+) C$/;
			if(!(checkThreshs($1, $BBU_TEMP_CRITICAL))){
			    $status = 'Critical';
			    push @{$statusLevel_a[2]}, 'BBU_Temperature';
			elsif(!(checkThreshs($1, $BBU_TEMP_WARNING))){
			    $status = 'Warning' unless $status eq 'Critical';
			    push @{$statusLevel_a[1]}, 'BBU_Temperature';
			$statusLevel_a[3]->{'BBU_Temperature'} = $1;
		elsif($currBlock eq 'BBU_Firmware_Status'){
		    if($line =~ /^Temperature/){
			$line =~ /([a-zA-Z]*)$/;
			if($1 ne "OK") {
			    $status = 'Critical';
			    push @{$statusLevel_a[2]},'BBU_Firmware_temperature';
			    $statusLevel_a[3]->{'BBU_Firmware_temperature'} = $1;
		    elsif($line =~ /^Voltage/){
			$line =~ /([a-zA-Z]*)$/;
			if($1 ne "OK") {
			    $status = 'Warning' unless $status eq 'Critical';
			    push @{$statusLevel_a[1]},'BBU_Voltage';
			    $statusLevel_a[3]->{'BBU_Voltage'} = $1;
		    elsif($line =~ /^I2C Errors Detected/){
			$line =~ /([a-zA-Z]*)$/;
			if($1 ne "No") {
			    $status = 'Critical';
			    push @{$statusLevel_a[2]},'BBU_Firmware_I2C_errors';
			    $statusLevel_a[3]->{'BBU_Firmware_I2C_Errors'} = $1;
		    elsif($line =~ /^Battery Pack Missing/){
			$line =~ /([a-zA-Z]*)$/;
			if($1 ne "No") {
			    $status = 'Critical';
			    push @{$statusLevel_a[2]},'BBU_Pack_missing';
			    $statusLevel_a[3]->{'BBU_Pack_missing'} = $1;
		    elsif($line =~ /^Replacement required/){
			$line =~ /([a-zA-Z]*)$/;
			if($1 ne "No") {
			    $status = 'Critical';
			    push @{$statusLevel_a[2]},'BBU_Replacement_required';
			    $statusLevel_a[3]->{'BBU_Replacement_required'} = $1;
		    elsif($line =~ /^Remaining Capacity Low/){
			$line =~ /([a-zA-Z]*)$/;
			if($1 ne "No") {
			    $status = 'Warning' unless $status eq 'Critical';
			    push @{$statusLevel_a[1]},'BBU_Remaining_capacity_low';
			    $statusLevel_a[3]->{'BBU_Remaining_capacity_low'} = $1;
		    elsif($line =~ /^Pack is about to fail \& should be replaced/){
			$line =~ /([a-zA-Z]*)$/;
			if($1 ne "No") {
			    $status = 'Critical';
			    push @{$statusLevel_a[2]},'BBU_Should_be_replaced';
			    $statusLevel_a[3]->{'BBU_Should_be_replaced'} = $1;
		elsif($currBlock eq 'GasGaugeStatus' && $gasg ne 0){
		    if($line =~ /^Fully Discharged/){
			$line =~ /([a-zA-Z\/]*)$/;
			if($1 ne "No" && $1 ne "N/A") {
			    $status = 'Critical';
			    push @{$statusLevel_a[2]},'BBU_GasGauge_discharged';
			    $statusLevel_a[3]->{'BBU_GasGauge_discharged'} = $1;
		    elsif($line =~ /^Over Temperature/){
			$line =~ /([a-zA-Z\/]*)$/;
			if($1 ne "No" && $1 ne "N/A") {
			    $status = 'Warning' unless $status eq 'Critical';
			    push @{$statusLevel_a[1]},'BBU_GasGauge_over_temperature';
			    $statusLevel_a[3]->{'BBU_GasGauge_over_temperature'} = $1;
		    elsif($line =~ /^Over Charged/){
			$line =~ /([a-zA-Z\/]*)$/;
			if($1 ne "No" && $1 ne "N/A") {
			    $status = 'Critical';
			    push @{$statusLevel_a[2]},'BBU_GasGauge_over_charged';
			    $statusLevel_a[3]->{'BBU_GasGauge_over_charged'} = $1;
	    if($status ne ''){
		if($status eq 'Warning'){
		    if(${$statusLevel_a[0]} ne 'Critical'){
			${$statusLevel_a[0]} = 'Warning';
		    ${$statusLevel_a[0]} = 'Critical';
		$statusLevel_a[3]->{'BBU_Status'} = $status;
		$statusLevel_a[3]->{'BBU_Status'} = 'OK';
    else {
	print "Invalid StorCLI command! ($command)\n";

# Checks the status of the CV module, parses 'cv show status' for the given
# controller.
# @param storcli The path to storcli command utility, followed by the controller
# number, e.g. 'storcli64 /c0'.
# @param statusLevel_a The status level array, elem 0 is the current status,
# elem 1 the warning sensors, elem 2 the critical sensors, elem 3 the verbose
# information for the sensors.
# @param commands_a An array to push the used command to
sub getCVStatus {
    my $storcli = shift;
    my @statusLevel_a = @{(shift)};
    my $commands_a = shift;

    my $command = "$storcli /cv show status";
    push @{$commands_a}, $command;

    my $status = '';
    my @output = `$command`;
    if(checkCommandStatus(\@output)) {
	my $currBlock;
	foreach my $line (@output) {
	    if($line =~ /^(Cachevault_Info|Firmware_Status)/){
		$currBlock = $1;
		$line =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;#trim line
		if($currBlock eq 'Cachevault_Info' && $line =~ /^State/){
		    my @vals = split('\s{2,}',$line);
		    if($vals[1] ne "Optimal") {
			$status = 'Warning' unless $status eq 'Critical';
			push @{$statusLevel_a[1]}, 'CV_State';
			$statusLevel_a[3]->{'CV_State'} = $vals[1]
		elsif($currBlock eq 'Cachevault_Info' && $line =~ /^Temperature/){
		    $line =~ /([0-9]+) C$/;
		    if(!(checkThreshs($1, $CV_TEMP_CRITICAL))){
			$status = 'Critical';
			push @{$statusLevel_a[2]}, 'CV_Temperature';
		    elsif(!(checkThreshs($1, $CV_TEMP_WARNING))){
			$status = 'Warning' unless $status eq 'Critical';
			push @{$statusLevel_a[1]}, 'CV_Temperature';
		    $statusLevel_a[3]->{'CV_Temperature'} = $1;
		elsif($currBlock eq 'Firmware_Status' && $line =~ /^Replacement required/){
		    $line =~ /([a-zA-Z0-9]*)$/;
		    if($1 ne "No") {
			$status = 'Critical';
			push @{$statusLevel_a[2]},'CV_Replacement_required';
		    $statusLevel_a[3]->{'CV_Replacement_required'} = $1;
	    if($status ne ''){
		if($status eq 'Warning'){
		    if(${$statusLevel_a[0]} ne 'Critical'){
			${$statusLevel_a[0]} = 'Warning';
		    ${$statusLevel_a[0]} = 'Critical';
		$statusLevel_a[3]->{'CV_Status'} = $status;
		$statusLevel_a[3]->{'CV_Status'} = 'OK';
    else {
	print "Invalid StorCLI command! ($command)\n";

# Checks if wheter BBU or CV is present
# @param storcli The path to storcli command utility, followed by the controller
# number, e.g. 'storcli64 /c0'.
# @return A tuple, e.g. (0,0), where 0 means module is not present, 1 present
sub checkBBUorCVIsPresent{
    my $storcli = shift;
    my ($bbu,$cv);
    my @output = `$storcli /bbu show`;
    if(checkCommandStatus(\@output)){ $bbu = 1; }
    else{ $bbu = 0 };
    @output = `$storcli /cv show`;
    if(checkCommandStatus(\@output)) { $cv = 1; }
    else{ $cv = 0 };
    return ($bbu, $cv);

# Checks if a given value is in a specified range, the range must follow the
# nagios development guidelines:
# http://nagiosplug.sourceforge.net/developer-guidelines.html#THRESHOLDFORMAT
# @param value The given value to check the pattern for
# @param pattern The pattern specifying the threshold range, e.g. '10:', '@10:20'
# @return 0 if the value is outside the range, 1 if the value satisfies the range
sub checkThreshs{
    my $value = shift;
    my $pattern = shift;
    if($pattern =~ /(^[0-9]+$)/){
	if($value < 0 || $value > $1){
	    return 0;
    elsif($pattern =~ /(^[0-9]+)\:$/){
	if($value < $1){
	    return 0;
    elsif($pattern =~ /^\~\:([0-9]+)$/){
	if($value > $1){
	    return 0;
    elsif($pattern =~ /^([0-9]+)\:([0-9]+)$/){
	if($value < $1 || $value > $2){
	    return 0;
    elsif($pattern =~ /^\@([0-9]+)\:([0-9]+)$/){
	if($value >= $1 and $value <= $2){
	    return 0;
	print "Invalid temperature parameter! ($pattern)\n";
    return 1;

# Get the status string as plugin output
# @param level The desired level to get the status string for. Either 'Warning'
# or 'Critical'.
# @param statusLevel_a The status level array, elem 0 is the current status,
# elem 1 the warning sensors, elem 2 the critical sensors, elem 3 the verbose
# information for the sensors, elem 4 the used storcli commands.
# @return The created status string
sub getStatusString{
    my $level = shift;
    my @statusLevel_a = @{(shift)};
    my @sensors_a;
    my $status_str = "";
    if($level eq "Warning"){
	@sensors_a = @{$statusLevel_a[1]};
    if($level eq "Critical"){
	@sensors_a = @{$statusLevel_a[2]};
    # Add the controller parts only once
    my $parts = '';
    # level comes from the method call, not the real status level
    if($level eq "Critical"){
	my @keys = ('CTR_Status','LD_Status','PD_Status','BBU_Status','CV_Status');
	# Check which parts where checked
	foreach my $key (@keys){
	    $key =~ /^([A-Z]+)\_.*$/;
	    my $part = $1;
	    if(${$statusLevel_a[0]} eq 'OK'){
		if(exists($statusLevel_a[3]->{$key}) && $statusLevel_a[3]->{$key} eq 'OK'){
		    $parts .= ", " unless $parts eq '';
		    $parts .= $part;
		if(exists($statusLevel_a[3]->{$key}) && $statusLevel_a[3]->{$key} ne 'OK'){
		    $parts .= ", " unless $parts eq '';
		    $parts .= $part;
		    $parts .= ' '.substr($statusLevel_a[3]->{$key}, 0, 4);
	$status_str.= '(';
	$status_str .= $parts unless !defined($parts);
	$status_str.= ')';
    if($level eq 'Critical'){
	$status_str.= ' ' unless !(@sensors_a);
    if($level eq 'Warning' && !@{$statusLevel_a[2]}){
	$status_str.= ' ' unless !(@sensors_a);
    if($level eq "Warning" || $level eq "Critical"){
	    # Print which sensors are Warn or Crit
	    foreach my $sensor (@sensors_a){
		$status_str .= "[".$sensor." = ".$level;
			$status_str .= " (".$statusLevel_a[3]->{$sensor}.")";
		$status_str .= "]";
    return $status_str;

# Get the verbose string if a higher verbose level is used
# @param statusLevel_a The status level array, elem 0 is the current status,
# elem 1 the warning sensors, elem 2 the critical sensors, elem 3 the verbose
# information for the sensors, elem 4 the used storcli commands.
# @param controllerToCheck Controller parsed by getControllerInfo
# @param LDDevicesToCheck LDs parsed by getLogicalDevices
# @param LDInitToCheck LDs parsed by getLogicalDevices init
# @param PDDevicesToCheck PDs parsed by getPhysicalDevices
# @param PDInitToCheck PDs parsed by getPhysicalDevices init
# @param PDRebuildToCheck PDs parsed by getPhysicalDevices rebuild
# @return The created verbosity string
sub getVerboseString{
    my @statusLevel_a = @{(shift)};
    my %controllerToCheck = %{(shift)};
    my @LDDevicesToCheck = @{(shift)};
    my @LDInitToCheck = @{(shift)};
    my @PDDevicesToCheck = @{(shift)};
    my @PDInitToCheck = @{(shift)};
    my @PDRebuildToCheck = @{(shift)};
    my @sensors_a;
    my $verb_str;

    $verb_str .= "Used storcli commands:\n";
    foreach my $cmd (@{$statusLevel_a[4]}){
	$verb_str .= '- '.$cmd."\n";
    if(${$statusLevel_a[0]} eq 'Critical'){
	$verb_str .= "Critical sensors:\n";
	foreach my $sensor (@{$statusLevel_a[2]}){
	    $verb_str .= "\t- ".$sensor;
		$verb_str .= ' ('.$statusLevel_a[3]->{$sensor}.')';
	    $verb_str .= "\n";

    if( ${$statusLevel_a[0]} ne 'OK'){
	$verb_str .= "Warning sensors:\n";
	foreach my $sensor (@{$statusLevel_a[1]}){
	    $verb_str .= "\t- ".$sensor;
		$verb_str .= ' ('.$statusLevel_a[3]->{$sensor}.')';
	    $verb_str .= "\n";

    if($VERBOSITY == 3){
	$verb_str .= "CTR information:\n";
	$verb_str .= "\t\t- ".'Model='.$controllerToCheck{'Model'}.":\n";
	$verb_str .= "\t\t- ".'Serial Number='.$controllerToCheck{'Serial Number'}."\n";
	$verb_str .= "\t\t- ".'Firmware Package Build='.$controllerToCheck{'Firmware Package Build'}."\n";
	$verb_str .= "\t\t- ".'Mfg Date='.$controllerToCheck{'Mfg Date'}."\n";
	$verb_str .= "\t\t- ".'Revision No='.$controllerToCheck{'Revision No'}."\n";
	$verb_str .= "\t\t- ".'Bios Version='.$controllerToCheck{'Bios Version'}."\n";
	$verb_str .= "\t\t- ".'Firmware Version='.$controllerToCheck{'Firmware Version'}."\n";
	if(exists($controllerToCheck{'ROC temperature'})){
	    $verb_str .= "\t\t- ".'ROC temperature='.$controllerToCheck{'ROC temperature'}."\n";
	$verb_str .= "LD information:\n";
	foreach my $LD (@LDDevicesToCheck){
	    $verb_str .= "\t- ".$LD->{'ld'}.":\n";
	    foreach my $key (sort (keys(%{$LD}))){
		$verb_str .= "\t\t- ".$key.'='.$LD->{$key}."\n";
	    foreach my $LDinit (@LDInitToCheck){
		if($LDinit->{'ld'} eq $LD->{'ld'}){
		    $verb_str .= "\t\t- init=".$LDinit->{'init'}."\n";
	$verb_str .= "PD information:\n";
	foreach my $PD (@PDDevicesToCheck){
	    $verb_str .= "\t- ".$PD->{'pd'}.":\n";
	    foreach my $key (sort (keys(%{$PD}))){
		$verb_str .= "\t\t- ".$key.'='.$PD->{$key}."\n";
	    foreach my $PDinit (@PDInitToCheck){
		if($PDinit->{'pd'} eq $PD->{'pd'}){
		    $verb_str .= "\t\t- init=".$PDinit->{'init'}."\n";
	    foreach my $PDrebuild (@PDRebuildToCheck){
		if($PDrebuild->{'pd'} eq $PD->{'pd'}){
		    $verb_str .= "\t\t- rebuild=".$PDrebuild->{'rebuild'}."\n";
	my @keys = ('BBU_Status','CV_Status');
	foreach my $key(@keys){
		$key =~ /^(\w+)_\w+$/;
		my $type = $1;
		$verb_str .= $type." information:\n";
		foreach my $stat (sort (keys(%{$statusLevel_a[3]}))){
		    if($stat =~ /^$type.+$/){
			$verb_str .= "\t\t- $stat=".$statusLevel_a[3]->{$stat}."\n";
    return $verb_str;

# Get the performance string for the current check. The values are taken from
# the varbose hash in the status level array.
# @param statusLevel_a The current status level array
# @return The created performance string
sub getPerfString{
    my @statusLevel_a = @{(shift)};
    my %verboseValues_h = %{$statusLevel_a[3]};
    my $perf_str;
    foreach my $key (sort (keys(%verboseValues_h))){
	if($key =~ /temperature/i){
	    $perf_str .= ' ' unless !defined($perf_str);
	    $perf_str .= $key.'='.$verboseValues_h{$key};
	if($key =~ /ROC_Temperature$/){
	    $perf_str .= ';'.$C_TEMP_WARNING.';'.$C_TEMP_CRITICAL;
	elsif($key =~ /Drive_Temperature$/){
	    $perf_str .= ';'.$PD_TEMP_WARNING.';'.$PD_TEMP_CRITICAL;
	elsif($key eq 'BBU_Temperature'){
	    $perf_str .= ';'.$BBU_TEMP_WARNING.';'.$BBU_TEMP_CRITICAL;
	elsif($key eq 'CV_Temperature'){
	    $perf_str .= ';'.$CV_TEMP_WARNING.';'.$CV_TEMP_CRITICAL;
    return $perf_str;

    my ($storcli, $sudo, $noSudo, $noCleanlogs, $version, $exitCode);
    # Create default sensor arrays and push them to status level
    my @statusLevel_a ;
    my $status_str = 'OK';
    my $warnings_a = [];
    my $criticals_a = [];
    my $verboseValues_h = {};
    my $verboseCommands_a = [];
    push @statusLevel_a, \$status_str;
    push @statusLevel_a, $warnings_a;
    push @statusLevel_a, $criticals_a;
    push @statusLevel_a, $verboseValues_h;
    push @statusLevel_a, $verboseCommands_a;
    # Per default use a BBU
    my $bbu = 1;
    my $gasg = 1;
    my @enclosures;
    my @logDevices;
    my @physDevices;
    my $platform = $^O;

    if( !(GetOptions(
	'h|help' => sub {displayHelp();},
	'v|verbose' => sub {$VERBOSITY = 1 },
	'vv' => sub {$VERBOSITY = 2},
	'vvv' => sub {$VERBOSITY = 3},
	'V|version' => \$version,
	'C|controller=i' => \$CONTROLLER,
	'EID|enclosure=s' => \@enclosures,
	'LD|logicaldevice=s' => \@logDevices,
	'PD|physicaldevice=s' => \@physDevices,
	'Tw|temperature-warn=s' => \$C_TEMP_WARNING,
	'Tc|temperature-critical=s' => \$C_TEMP_CRITICAL,
	'Mcw|mem-correctable-warn=s' => \$C_MEM_CORRECTABLE_WARNING,
	'Mcc|mem-correctable-critical=s' => \$C_MEM_CORRECTABLE_CRITICAL,
	'PDTw|physicaldevicetemperature-warn=s' => \$PD_TEMP_WARNING,
	'PDTc|physicaldevicetemperature-critical=s' => \$PD_TEMP_CRITICAL,
	'BBUTw|bbutemperature-warning=s' => \$BBU_TEMP_WARNING,
	'BBUTc|bbutemperature-critical=s' => \$BBU_TEMP_CRITICAL,
	'CVTw|cvtemperature-warning=s' => \$CV_TEMP_WARNING,
	'CVTc|cvtemperature-critical=s' => \$CV_TEMP_CRITICAL,
	'Im|ignore-media-errors=i' => \$IGNERR_M,
	'Io|ignore-other-errors=i' => \$IGNERR_O,
	'Ip|ignore-predictive-fail-count=i' => \$IGNERR_P,
	'Is|ignore-shield-counter=i' => \$IGNERR_S,
	'Ib|ignore-bbm-counter=i' => \$IGNERR_B,
	'p|path=s' => \$storcli,
	'b|BBU=i' => \$bbu,
	'gg|GasGauge=i' => \$gasg,
	'noenclosures=i' => \$NOENCLOSURES,
	'nosudo' => \$noSudo,
	'nocleanlogs' => \$noCleanlogs
	print $NAME . " Version: " . $VERSION ."\n";
    if(defined($version)){ print $NAME . "\nVersion: ". $VERSION . "\n"; }
    # Check storcli tool
	if($platform eq 'linux' || $platform eq 'solaris'){
	    $storcli = which('storcli');
		$storcli = which('storcli64');
		if(-x '/opt/MegaRAID/storcli/storcli64'){
		    $storcli = '/opt/MegaRAID/storcli/storcli64';
		if(-x '/opt/MegaRAID/storcli/storcli'){
		    $storcli = '/opt/MegaRAID/storcli/storcli';
	    $storcli = which('storcli.exe');
		$storcli = which('storcli64.exe');
	print "Error: cannot find storcli executable.\n";
	print "Ensure storcli is in your path, or use the '-p <storcli path>' switch!\n";
    if($platform eq 'linux' || $platform eq 'solaris') {
	    my $sudo;
	    chomp($sudo = `which sudo`);
		print "Error: cannot find sudo executable.\n";
	    if($> != 0){
		$storcli = $sudo.' '.$storcli;
    # Print storcli version if available
    if(defined($version)){ displayVersion($storcli) }
    # Prepare storcli command
    $storcli .= " /c$CONTROLLER";
    # Check if the controller number can be used
	print "Error: invalid controller number, controller not found!\n";
    # Prepare command line arrays
    @enclosures = split(/,/,join(',', @enclosures));
    @logDevices = split(/,/,join(',', @logDevices));
    @physDevices = split(/,/,join(',', @physDevices));
    # Check if the BBU param is correct
    if(($bbu != 1) && ($bbu != 0)) {
	print "Error: invalid BBU/CV parameter, must be 0 or 1!\n";
    # Check if the GasGauge param is correct
    if(($gasg != 1) && ($gasg != 0)) {
        print "Error: invalid GasGauge parameter, must be 0 or 1!\n";
    my ($bbuPresent,$cvPresent) = (0,0);
    if($bbu == 1){
	($bbuPresent,$cvPresent) = checkBBUorCVIsPresent($storcli);
	if($bbuPresent == 0 && $cvPresent == 0){
	    ${$statusLevel_a[0]} = 'Critical';
	    push @{$criticals_a}, 'BBU/CV_Present';
	    $statusLevel_a[3]->{'BBU_Status'} = 'Critical';
	    $statusLevel_a[3]->{'CV_Status'} = 'Critical';
    if($bbuPresent == 1){getBBUStatus($storcli, \@statusLevel_a, $verboseCommands_a, $gasg); }
    if($cvPresent == 1){ getCVStatus($storcli, \@statusLevel_a, $verboseCommands_a); }

    my $controllerToCheck = getControllerInfo($storcli, $noCleanlogs, $verboseCommands_a);
    my $LDDevicesToCheck = getLogicalDevices($storcli, \@logDevices, 'all', $verboseCommands_a);
    my $LDInitToCheck = getLogicalDevices($storcli, \@logDevices, 'init', $verboseCommands_a);
    my $PDDevicesToCheck = getPhysicalDevices($storcli, \@enclosures, \@physDevices, 'all', $verboseCommands_a);
    my $PDInitToCheck = getPhysicalDevices($storcli, \@enclosures, \@physDevices, 'initialization', $verboseCommands_a);
    my $PDRebuildToCheck = getPhysicalDevices($storcli, \@enclosures, \@physDevices, 'rebuild', $verboseCommands_a);

    getControllerStatus(\@statusLevel_a, $controllerToCheck);
    getLDStatus(\@statusLevel_a, $LDDevicesToCheck);
    getLDStatus(\@statusLevel_a, $LDInitToCheck);
    getPDStatus(\@statusLevel_a, $PDDevicesToCheck);
    getPDStatus(\@statusLevel_a, $PDInitToCheck);
    getPDStatus(\@statusLevel_a, $PDRebuildToCheck);

    # If desired, clean up the logs created by storcli
    # This is done per default
	if(-f 'MegaSAS.log'){ unlink 'MegaSAS.log'}
	if(-f 'CmdTool.log'){ unlink 'CmdTool.log'}

    print ${$statusLevel_a[0]}." ";
    print getStatusString("Critical",\@statusLevel_a);
    print getStatusString("Warning",\@statusLevel_a);
    my $perf_str = getPerfString(\@statusLevel_a);
	print "|".$perf_str;
    print "\n";
    if($VERBOSITY == 2 || $VERBOSITY == 3){
	print "\n".getVerboseString(\@statusLevel_a, $controllerToCheck, $LDDevicesToCheck, $LDInitToCheck,
	$PDDevicesToCheck, $PDInitToCheck, $PDRebuildToCheck)
    $exitCode = STATE_OK;
    if(${$statusLevel_a[0]} eq "Critical"){
	$exitCode = STATE_CRITICAL;
    if(${$statusLevel_a[0]} eq "Warning"){
	$exitCode = STATE_WARNING;

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0