Direktori : /var/softaculous/sitepad/editor/site-data/plugins/pagelayer-pro/main/ |
Current File : //var/softaculous/sitepad/editor/site-data/plugins/pagelayer-pro/main/premium_functions.php |
<?php ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //=========================================================== // class.php //=========================================================== // PAGELAYER // Inspired by the DESIRE to be the BEST OF ALL // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Started by: Pulkit Gupta // Date: 23rd Jan 2017 // Time: 23:00 hrs // Site: http://pagelayer.com/wordpress (PAGELAYER) // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Please Read the Terms of use at http://pagelayer.com/tos // ---------------------------------------------------------- //=========================================================== // (c)Pagelayer Team //=========================================================== ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Are we being accessed directly ? if(!defined('PAGELAYER_PRO_VERSION')) { exit('Hacking Attempt !'); } // Audio Handler function pagelayer_sc_audio(&$el){ global $pagelayer; if(empty($pagelayer->sc_audio_enqueued) && !pagelayer_is_live_iframe()){ wp_enqueue_script('wp-mediaelement'); wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-mediaelement' ); $pagelayer->sc_audio_enqueued = 1; } return; $el['atts']['a_url'] = ''; if ($el['atts']['source'] == 'external'){ $el['atts']['a_url'] = $el['atts']['url']; } if ($el['atts']['source'] == 'library'){ $el['atts']['a_url'] = wp_get_attachment_url($el['atts']['id']); } if(!empty($el['atts']['a_url'])){ $filename=$el['atts']['a_url']; //Get the file extension $extension = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); //Create source tag according to audio file switch($extension){ default: case 'mp3': $el['atts']['a_type'] = 'audio/mpeg'; break; case 'ogg': $el['atts']['a_type']= 'audio/ogg'; break; case 'wav': $el['atts']['a_type'] = 'audio/wav'; break; } } if(!empty($el['atts']['a_url']) && !empty($el['atts']['a_type'])){ $el['attr'][]= ['source' => 'src="{{a_url}}']; $el['attr'][]= ['source' => 'type="{{a_type}}']; } } // Image Portfolio function pagelayer_sc_single_img(&$el){ // Decide the image URL $img_size = pagelayer_isset($el['atts'], 'img-size'); $el['atts']['func_img'] = pagelayer_isset($el['tmp'], 'img-'.$img_size.'-url'); $el['atts']['func_img'] = empty($el['atts']['func_img']) ? pagelayer_isset($el['tmp'], 'img-url') : $el['atts']['func_img']; // What is the link ? if(!empty($el['atts']['link_type'])){ // Custom url if($el['atts']['link_type'] == 'custom_url'){ // Backward compatibility for new link props pagelayer_add_link_backward($el, array( 'rel' => '', 'selector' => '.pagelayer-ele-link')); $el['atts']['func_link'] = empty($el['tmp']['link']) ? '' : $el['tmp']['link']; } // Link to the media file itself if($el['atts']['link_type'] == 'media_file'){ $el['atts']['func_link'] = $el['atts']['func_img']; } // Lightbox if($el['atts']['link_type'] == 'lightbox'){ $el['atts']['func_link'] = $el['atts']['func_img']; } } } // Posts Grid function pagelayer_sc_wp_posts_grid($atts, $content = '', $tag = ''){ $args = array( 'numberposts' => -1, 'post_type' => 'post', 'post_status' => array('publish', 'pending', 'draft', 'future', 'private', 'inherit', 'trash') ); $all_posts = get_posts($args); $html = '<div '.pagelayer_create_sc($tag, $atts, 'pagelayer-posts-grid').'>'; //pagelayer_print($all_posts); foreach($all_posts as $pk => $pv){ $post_link = get_permalink($pv->ID); $html .= '<div> <h2><a href="'.$post_link.'">'.$pv->post_title.'</a></h2> <p>'.date('F jS, Y', strtotime($pv->post_date)).' | Published by <a href="'.site_url('author/'.get_the_author_meta('user_login', $pv->post_author)).'">'.get_the_author_meta('display_name', $pv->post_author).'</a></p> <p>'.pagelayer_the_content($pv->post_content).'</p> <p><a href="'.$post_link.'">Read More</a></p> </div>'; } $html .= '</div>'; return $html; } // Posts Slider function pagelayer_sc_wp_posts_slider(&$el){ $params = array(); $params['post'] = array(); if($el['atts']['post_type']) $params['post']['post_type'] = $el['atts']['post_type']; if($el['atts']['post_count']) $params['post']['post_count'] = $el['atts']['post_count']; if($el['atts']['category']) $params['post']['category'] = $el['atts']['category']; if($el['atts']['tags']) $params['post']['tags'] = $el['atts']['tags']; if($el['atts']['order_by']) $params['post']['order_by'] = $el['atts']['order_by']; if($el['atts']['sort_order']) $params['post']['sort_order'] = $el['atts']['sort_order']; if($el['atts']['image_size']) $params['post']['image_size'] = $el['atts']['image_size']; if($el['atts']['show_excerpt']) $params['post']['show_excerpt'] = $el['atts']['show_excerpt']; $el['atts']['posts_slides'] = pagelayer_posts_slider($params); //wp_reset_postdata(); } // Search function function pagelayer_sc_search(&$el){ if(!empty($el['atts']['placeholder'])){ $el['tmp']['placeholder'] = htmlspecialchars($el['atts']['placeholder']); } } // Post portfolio function pagelayer_sc_post_folio(&$el){ $args = array(); if($el['atts']['type']) $args['post_type'] = $el['atts']['type']; // Filter by if($el['atts']['filter_by']) $args['filter_by'] = $el['atts']['filter_by']; // Page count if($el['atts']['count']) $args['posts_per_page'] = $el['atts']['count']; $el['atts']['post_html'] = pagelayer_widget_posts($args); } // Posts Handler function pagelayer_sc_posts(&$el){ global $pagelayer; $allow_param = array('show_thumb', 'thumb_size', 'show_content', 'show_title', 'more', 'btn_type', 'size', 'icon_position', 'icon', 'show_more', 'meta_sep', 'exc_length', 'post_type', 'exc_term', 'exc_author', 'offset','ignore_sticky', 'orderby', 'by_period', 'before_date', 'after_date', 'thumb_img_type', 'infinite_types' ); $param = array(); // Page count $param['posts_per_page'] = !empty($el['atts']['count']) ? $el['atts']['count'] : ''; $param['order'] = !empty($el['atts']['posts_order']) ? $el['atts']['posts_order'] : ''; $param['term'] = !empty($el['atts']['inc_term']) ? $el['atts']['inc_term'] : ''; $param['author_name'] = !empty($el['atts']['inc_author']) ? $el['atts']['inc_author'] : ''; if(!empty($el['atts']['thumb_img_type'])){ $thumb_size = pagelayer_isset($el['atts'], 'thumb_size'); $img_size = pagelayer_isset($el['tmp'], 'def_thumb_img-'.$thumb_size.'-url'); $param['def_thumb_img'] = empty($img_size) ? pagelayer_isset($el['tmp'], 'def_thumb_img-url') : $img_size; } foreach($allow_param as $val){ $param[$val] = !empty($el['atts'][$val]) ? $el['atts'][$val] : ''; } if(!empty($el['atts']['meta'])){ $meta_arr = explode(',',$el['atts']['meta']); //pagelayer_print($el['atts']['meta']); foreach($meta_arr as $arr){ $param[$arr] = $arr; } } if(wp_doing_ajax() && isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'pagelayer_infinite_posts'){ $param['paged'] = $el['atts']['paged']; }else{ $data = array('tag' => $el['tag'],'atts' => $el['oAtts']); $pagelayer->localScript['pagelayer_post_'.$el['id']] = $data; } //pagelayer_print($param); $el['atts']['post_html'] = pagelayer_posts($param); } // Author Box function pagelayer_sc_author_box(&$el){ global $post; if($el['atts']['box_source'] == 'current'){ $author_data = pagelayer_author_data ($post->ID); $el['atts']['display_name'] = $author_data['display_name']; $el['atts']['description'] = $author_data['description']; $el['atts']['user_url'] = $author_data['user_url']; $el['tmp']['avatar-url'] = $author_data['avatar']; $el['tmp']['avatar-title'] = ''; $el['tmp']['avatar-alt'] = ''; }else{ $el['tmp']['avatar-url'] = empty($el['tmp']['avatar-url']) ? $el['atts']['avatar'] : $el['tmp']['avatar-url']; } $el['atts']['display_html'] = '<'.$el['atts']['name_style'].'>'.$el['atts']['display_name'].'</'.$el['atts']['name_style'].'>'; } //Grid Gallery Handler function pagelayer_sc_login(&$el){ if(pagelayer_is_live()){ $el['atts']['login_cap'] = ''; return false; } ob_start(); if(!did_action( 'login_enqueue_scripts' )){ do_action( 'login_enqueue_scripts' ); } do_action( 'login_form' ); $el['atts']['login_cap'] = ob_get_clean(); } // Load all tags function pagelayer_get_tags(){ $tags = get_tags(['hide_empty' => false]); $taglist = array(); $taglist[] = 'Default'; foreach ($tags as $tag) { $taglist[$tag->name] = $tag->name ; } return $taglist; } // Load all categories function pagelayer_get_categories(){ $categories = get_categories(['hide_empty' => 0]); $category_list = array(); $category_list[] = 'Default'; foreach($categories as $category) { $category_list[$category->name] = $category->name ; } return $category_list; } // Templates Handler - 2C function pagelayer_sc_templates(&$el){ global $pagelayer, $post; if( !empty($el['atts']['templates']) ) $id = $el['atts']['templates']; $post_obj = get_post($id); $content = ''; // If both current post and tempate post are same if (empty( $post_obj) || (!empty( $post_obj) && $post_obj == $post) ) { $el['atts']['template_content'] = $content; return; } $pagelayer->dont_make_editable = true; $content = $post_obj->post_content; $content = apply_filters( 'the_content', $content ); $pagelayer->dont_make_editable = false; if(pagelayer_is_live()){ // Create the HTML object $node = pagelayerQuery::parseStr($content); $node->query('.pagelayer-ele')->removeClass('pagelayer-ele'); $content = $node->html(); } $el['atts']['template_content'] = $content; } // Get the list of post by post type - 2C function pagelayer_post_list_by_type($post_type = 'post'){ $postlist = []; $posts_list = get_posts(array( 'post_type' => $post_type, 'numberposts' => -1 )); foreach($posts_list as $post){ $postlist[$post->ID] = $post->post_title; } return $postlist; } ///////////////////////////////////// // WooCommerce Shortcode Functions ///////////////////////////////////// // Product Images Handler - 2C function pagelayer_sc_product_images(&$el){ global $product; $product = pagelayer_get_product(); $images_templ = ''; if( empty( $product ) && (pagelayer_is_live_template() || wp_doing_ajax())){ $images_templ = __pl('no_woo_product'); } if( empty( $product ) ) { $el['atts']['product_images_templ'] = $images_templ; return; } // Start the output buffer ob_start(); if( !empty($el['atts']['sale_flash']) ){ wc_get_template( 'loop/sale-flash.php' ); } wc_get_template( 'single-product/product-image.php' ); $el['atts']['product_images_templ'] = ob_get_clean(); } // Related products Handler - 2C function pagelayer_sc_product_related(&$el){ global $product; $product = pagelayer_get_product(); $related_templ = ''; if( empty( $product ) && (pagelayer_is_live_template() || wp_doing_ajax())){ $related_templ = __pl('no_woo_product'); } if( empty( $product ) ) { $el['atts']['related_products'] = $related_templ; return; } // start output buffer ob_start(); // If is related if($el['atts']['select_product'] == 'related'){ $args = [ 'posts_per_page' => 4, 'columns' => 4, 'orderby' => $el['atts']['order_by'], 'order' => $el['atts']['order'], ]; if( ! empty( $el['atts']['posts_per_page'] ) ) { $args['posts_per_page'] = $el['atts']['posts_per_page']; } if( ! empty( $el['atts']['columns'] ) ) { $args['columns'] = $el['atts']['columns']; } if(function_exists( 'woocommerce_related_products' )){ woocommerce_related_products($args); } // If is upsel; }elseif($el['atts']['select_product'] == 'upsell'){ $limit = '-1'; $columns = 4; $orderby = $el['atts']['order_by']; $order = $el['atts']['order']; if( ! empty( $el['atts']['columns'] ) ) { $columns = $el['atts']['columns']; } if(function_exists( 'woocommerce_upsell_display' )){ woocommerce_upsell_display( $limit, $columns, $orderby, $order ); } } // Get data and clean output buffer $el['atts']['related_products'] = ob_get_clean(); } // WooCommers Pages - 2C function pagelayer_sc_woo_pages(&$el){ // if is not empty if(!empty($el['atts']['pages'])){ $shortcode = '['. $el['atts']['pages'] .']'; $content = pagelayer_the_content($shortcode); // if is checkout page if ( 'woocommerce_checkout' === $el['atts']['pages'] && '<div class="woocommerce"></div>' == $content ) { $content = '<div class="woocommerce">' . __( 'Your cart is currently empty.') . '</div>'; } } // If the content is empty if(empty($content)){ $content = '<div class="woocommerce">' . __( 'Page content not found.') . '</div>'; } $el['atts']['page_content'] = $content; } // Product Pages - 2C function pagelayer_sc_product_categories(&$el){ $attributes = ''; $attributes .= ' number="'. (isset($el['atts']['number']) ? $el['atts']['number'] : '').'" '; $attributes .= ' columns="'. (isset($el['atts']['columns']) ? $el['atts']['columns'] : '').'" '; $attributes .= ' hide_empty="'. (!empty($el['atts']['hide_empty']) ? 1 : 0) .'" '; $attributes .= ' orderby="'. (isset($el['atts']['nuorderbymber']) ? $el['atts']['nuorderbymber'] : '') .'" '; $attributes .= ' order="'. (isset($el['atts']['order']) ? $el['atts']['order'] : '') .'" '; $source = isset($el['atts']['source']) ? $el['atts']['source'] : ''; if ( 'by_id' === $source ) { $attributes .= ' ids="'. $el['atts']['by_id'] .'" '; } elseif ( 'by_parent' === $source ) { $attributes .= ' parent="'. $el['atts']['parent'] .'" '; } elseif ( 'current_subcategories' === $source ) { $attributes .= ' parent="'. get_queried_object_id() .'" '; } $shortcode = '[product_categories '. $attributes .']'; // do_shortcode the shortcode $el['atts']['product_categories'] = pagelayer_the_content($shortcode); } // Products - 2C function pagelayer_sc_products(&$el){ if( WC()->session ){ wc_print_notices(); } $no_found = $el['atts']['no_found']; $attributes = ''; $type = $el['atts']['source']; $attributes .= ' columns="'. $el['atts']['columns'] .'" '; $attributes .= ' rows="'. $el['atts']['rows'] .'" '; $attributes .= ' paginate="'. (!empty($el['atts']['paginate']) ? true : false) .'" '; $attributes .= ' orderby="'. $el['atts']['orderby'] .'" '; $attributes .= ' order="'. $el['atts']['order'] .'" '; $attributes .= ' cache="false" '; // Hide the catalog order if( empty($el['atts']['allow_order']) ){ remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop', 'woocommerce_catalog_ordering', 30 ); } // Hide the result count if( empty($el['atts']['show_result']) ){ remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop', 'woocommerce_result_count', 20 ); } if( $type == 'by_id' ){ $type = 'products'; $attributes .= ' ids="'. (!empty($el['atts']['ids']) ? $el['atts']['ids'] : '') .'" '; }elseif( $type == 'pagelayer_current_query' ){ $atts['paginate'] = (!empty($el['atts']['paginate']) ? true : false); $atts['cache'] = false; $type = 'pagelayer_current_query'; // Set the current query add_action( 'woocommerce_shortcode_products_query', 'pagelayer_shortcode_current_query', 10, 10); // If product not found add_action( "woocommerce_shortcode_{$type}_loop_no_results", function ($attributes) use ($no_found){ echo '<div class="pagelayer-product-no-found">'.$no_found.'</div>'; } ); $shortcode = new WC_Shortcode_Products( $atts, $type ); $el['atts']['products_content'] = $shortcode->get_content(); return true; } $shortcode = '['.$type.' '. $attributes .']'; $content = pagelayer_the_content($shortcode); // If product not found if('<div class="woocommerce columns-'.$el['atts']['columns'] .' "></div>' == $content){ $content = '<div class="pagelayer-product-no-found">'. __($no_found) .'</div>'; } $el['atts']['products_content'] = $content; } // Archives Product Pages - 2C function pagelayer_sc_product_archives(&$el){ global $post; if ( WC()->session ) { wc_print_notices(); } $atts['paginate'] = true; $atts['cache'] = false; $no_found = $el['atts']['no_found']; if( empty($el['atts']['allow_order']) ){ remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop', 'woocommerce_catalog_ordering', 30 ); } if( empty($el['atts']['show_result']) ){ remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop', 'woocommerce_result_count', 20 ); } $type = 'pagelayer_current_query'; // We need to define costom if( (isset($post->post_type) && $post->post_type == 'pagelayer-template') || wp_doing_ajax()){ $type = ''; } // Set the current query add_action( 'woocommerce_shortcode_products_query', 'pagelayer_shortcode_current_query', 10, 10); // If product not found add_action( "woocommerce_shortcode_{$type}_loop_no_results", function ($attributes) use ($no_found){ echo '<div class="pagelayer-product-no-found">'.$no_found.'</div>'; } ); $shortcode = new WC_Shortcode_Products( $atts, $type ); $el['atts']['product_archives'] = $shortcode->get_content(); } // Product Price render - 2C function pagelayer_sc_product_price(&$el) { global $product; $product = pagelayer_get_product(); $price = ''; if( empty( $product ) && (pagelayer_is_live_template() || wp_doing_ajax())){ $price = __pl('no_woo_product'); } if ( empty( $product ) ) { $el['atts']['pagelayer-product-price'] = $price; return; } ob_start(); wc_get_template( '/single-product/price.php' ); $el['atts']['pagelayer-product-price'] = ob_get_clean(); } // Product add to cart render - 2C function pagelayer_sc_add_to_cart(&$el) { global $product; $product = pagelayer_get_product(); $cart = ''; if( empty( $product ) && (pagelayer_is_live_template() || wp_doing_ajax())){ $cart = __pl('no_woo_product'); } if ( empty( $product ) ) { $el['atts']['product_add_to_cart'] = $cart; return; } ob_start(); woocommerce_template_single_add_to_cart(); $el['atts']['product_add_to_cart'] = '<div class="pagelayer-add-to-cart-holder pagelayer-product-'. esc_attr( $product->get_type() ) .'"> '. ob_get_clean() .' </div>'; } // Product rating render - 2C function pagelayer_sc_product_rating(&$el) { if( ! post_type_supports( 'product', 'comments' ) ){ return; } global $product; $product = pagelayer_get_product(); $product_rating = ''; if( empty( $product ) && (pagelayer_is_live_template() || wp_doing_ajax())){ $product_rating = __pl('no_woo_product'); } if ( empty( $product ) ) { $el['atts']['product_rating'] = $product_rating; return; } ob_start(); wc_get_template( '/single-product/rating.php' ); $product_rating = ob_get_clean(); if( empty( $product_rating ) && pagelayer_is_live_template()){ $product_rating = __('No Rating Found!'); } $el['atts']['product_rating'] = $product_rating; } /* // Product stock render - 2C function pagelayer_product_stock() { global $product; $product = wc_get_product(); if ( empty( $product ) ) { return; } return wc_get_stock_html( $product ); } */ // Product meta render - 2C function pagelayer_sc_product_meta(&$el) { global $product; $product = pagelayer_get_product(); $product_meta = ''; if( empty( $product ) && (pagelayer_is_live_template() || wp_doing_ajax())){ $product_meta = __pl('no_woo_product'); } if ( empty( $product ) ) { $el['atts']['product_meta'] = $product_meta; return; } ob_start(); wc_get_template( '/single-product/meta.php' ); $el['atts']['product_meta'] = ob_get_clean(); } // Product short description render - 2C function pagelayer_sc_product_short_desc(&$el) { global $product, $post; $product = pagelayer_get_product(); $product_short_desc = ''; if( empty( $product ) && (pagelayer_is_live_template() || wp_doing_ajax())){ $product_short_desc = __pl('no_woo_product'); } if ( empty( $product ) ) { $el['atts']['product_short_desc'] = $product_short_desc; return; } if((isset($post->post_type) && $post->post_type == 'pagelayer-template') || wp_doing_ajax()){ $el['atts']['product_short_desc'] = '<div class="woocommerce-product-details__short-description"><p>'.$product->get_short_description().'</p></div>'; return; } ob_start(); wc_get_template( 'single-product/short-description.php' ); $el['atts']['product_short_desc'] = ob_get_clean(); } // WooCommerce breadcrumb render - 2C function pagelayer_woo_breadcrumb() { ob_start(); woocommerce_breadcrumb(); return ob_get_clean(); } // Get product categories - 2C function pagelayer_get_product_cat() { $categories = get_terms( 'product_cat' ); $options = []; foreach ( $categories as $category ) { $options[ $category->term_id ] = $category->name; } return $options; } // Get product categories - 2C function pagelayer_get_product_archives_desc() { ob_start(); do_action( 'woocommerce_archive_description' ); return ob_get_clean(); } // Get product additional Information - 2C function pagelayer_sc_product_addi_info(&$el) { global $product; $product = pagelayer_get_product(); $product_additional_info = ''; if( empty( $product ) && (pagelayer_is_live_template() || wp_doing_ajax())){ $product_additional_info = __pl('no_woo_product'); } if ( empty( $product ) ) { $el['atts']['product_additional_info'] = $product_additional_info; return; } ob_start(); wc_get_template( 'single-product/tabs/additional-information.php' ); $el['atts']['product_additional_info'] = ob_get_clean(); } // Get product data tab Information - 2C function pagelayer_sc_product_data_tabs(&$el) { global $product, $post; $product = pagelayer_get_product(); $product_data_tab = ''; if( empty( $product ) && (pagelayer_is_live_template() || wp_doing_ajax())){ $product_data_tab = __pl('no_woo_product'); } if ( empty( $product ) ) { $el['atts']['product_data_tab'] = $product_data_tab; return; } // We need load Pagelayer shortcodes pagelayer_load_shortcodes(); setup_postdata( $product->get_id()); ob_start(); wc_get_template( 'single-product/tabs/tabs.php' ); $data_tabs = ob_get_clean(); // If no data tabs if(empty($data_tabs)){ $data_tabs = __('Data tab not found'); } $el['atts']['product_data_tab'] = $data_tabs; } // Get the HTML for menu cart function pagelayer_sc_woo_menu_cart(&$el){ // Maybe init cart $has_cart = is_a( WC()->cart, 'WC_Cart' ); if ( ! $has_cart ) { $session_class = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_session_handler', 'WC_Session_Handler' ); WC()->session = new $session_class(); WC()->session->init(); WC()->cart = new \WC_Cart(); WC()->customer = new \WC_Customer( get_current_user_id(), true ); } // Get the cart values $widget_cart_is_hidden = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_widget_cart_is_hidden', is_cart() || is_checkout() ); $product_count = WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count(); $sub_total = WC()->cart->get_cart_subtotal(); $cart_items = WC()->cart->get_cart(); $toggle_button_link = $widget_cart_is_hidden ? wc_get_cart_url() : '#'; /** workaround WooCommerce Subscriptions issue that changes the behavior of is_cart() */ $toggle_button_classes = 'pagelayer-cart-button pagelayer-size-sm'; $toggle_button_classes .= $widget_cart_is_hidden ? ' pagelayer-menu-cart-hidden' : ''; $counter_attr = 'data-counter="' . $product_count . '"'; $cart_html = '<div class="pagelayer-menu-cart-toggle"> <a href="'. esc_attr( $toggle_button_link ) .'" class="'. $toggle_button_classes .'"> <span class="pagelayer-cart-button-text">'. $sub_total .'</span> <span class="pagelayer-cart-button-icon" '. $counter_attr .'> <i class="'.$el['atts']['icon_type'].'" aria-hidden="true"></i> </span> </a> </div>'; // If is cart and checkout page the except this if ( ! $widget_cart_is_hidden ){ ob_start(); wc_get_template( 'cart/mini-cart.php' ); $mini_cart_html = ob_get_clean(); $cart_html .= '<div class="pagelayer-menu-cart-container"> <form class="pagelayer-menu-cart-main woocommerce-cart-form" action="'. esc_url( wc_get_cart_url() ) .'" method="post"> <div class="pagelayer-menu-cart-close">×</div> '. $mini_cart_html .' </form> </div>'; } $el['atts']['cart_html'] = $cart_html; } // SiteMap Item Box - 2C function pagelayer_sc_sitemap_item(&$el){ $html_element = ''; $hier = ''; $depth = ''; $option = ''; $id = $el['id']; $option = '<div class="pagelayer-sitemap-section">'; $hier = (empty($el['atts']['hierarchical']) ? '' : $el['atts']['hierarchical']); $depth = (empty($el['atts']['depth']) ? '' : $el['atts']['depth']); if($el['atts']['sitemap_type'] == 'post_type'){ if(empty($el['atts']['title'])){ $el['atts']['title'] = 'Pages'; } $html_element .= $el['atts']['title']; $args = array( 'post_type' => $el['atts']['source_post'], 'orderby' => $el['atts']['order_post'], 'order' => $el['atts']['order'], 'hierarchical' => $hier, 'number' => $depth, 'posts_per_page' => -1, ); $option .= '<span>'.$html_element.'</span>'; $option .= '<ul>'; $pages = new WP_Query($args); $posts = $pages->posts; foreach ( $posts as $page ) { $option .= '<li class="pagelayer-sitemap-list-item" data-postID="'.$page->ID.'"><a class="pagelayer-ele-link" href="'.get_permalink($page->ID).'">'.$page->post_name.'</a></li>'; } $option .= '</ul>'; }else{ if(empty($el['atts']['title'])){ $el['atts']['title'] = 'Categories'; } $html_element .= $el['atts']['title']; $args = array( 'title_li' => 0, 'orderby' => $el['atts']['order_taxonomy'], 'order' => $el['atts']['order'], 'style' => '', 'hide_empty' => $el['atts']['hide_empty'], 'echo' => false, 'hierarchical' => $hier, 'taxonomy' => $el['atts']['source_taxonomy'], 'depth' => $depth, ); $taxonomies = get_categories( $args ); $option .= '<span>'.$html_element.'</span>'; $option .= '<ul>'; foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) { $option .= '<li class="pagelayer-sitemap-list-item" data-postID="'.$taxonomy->term_id.'"><a class="pagelayer-ele-link" href="'.get_term_link($taxonomy->term_id).'">'.$taxonomy->name.'</a></li>'; } $option .= '</ul>'; } $option .= '</div>'; $el['atts']['sitemap_html'] = $option; } function pagelayer_sc_slides(&$el) { if( !pagelayer_is_live() ) { return; } foreach($el['inner_blocks'] as $key => $inner_block) { if('pagelayer/pl_slide' != $inner_block['blockName']) { continue; } $slide = serialize_block($inner_block); $col = get_comment_delimited_block_content('pagelayer/pl_col', [] , $slide); $row = get_comment_delimited_block_content('pagelayer/pl_inner_row', ['col_gap' => '0.0'] , $col); $el['inner_blocks'][$key] = array( 'blockName' => 'pagelayer/pl_content_slide', 'innerBlocks' => parse_blocks($row), 'innerHTML' => '', 'attrs' => array(), 'innerContent' => array(), ); } } function pagelayer_sc_chart(&$el){ $el['atts']['xcolor'] = empty($el['atts']['xcolor']) ? '' : pagelayer_parse_color($el['atts']['xcolor'], false); $el['atts']['ycolor'] = empty($el['atts']['ycolor']) ? '' : pagelayer_parse_color($el['atts']['ycolor'], false); } function pagelayer_sc_chart_datasets(&$el){ $el['atts']['chart_border_color'] = empty($el['atts']['chart_border_color']) ? '' : pagelayer_parse_color($el['atts']['chart_border_color'], false); $el['atts']['bg_color'] = empty($el['atts']['bg_color']) ? '' : pagelayer_parse_color($el['atts']['bg_color'], false); } // Render the image map function pagelayer_sc_image_map(&$el) { $map_size = pagelayer_isset($el['atts'], 'img_map-size'); $map_key = 'img_map-id-' . $map_size . '-url'; $el['atts']['map_img_id'] = isset($el['tmp'][$map_key]) ? $el['tmp'][$map_key] : pagelayer_isset($el['tmp'], 'map_img-id-url'); $el['atts']['pagelayer-srcset'] = $el['atts']['map_img_id'] . ', ' . $el['atts']['map_img_id'] . ' 1x, '; // Handle multiple paths if(isset($el['atts']['pagelayer_image_map']) && is_array($el['atts']['pagelayer_image_map'])){ $el['atts']['pagelayer_map_path'] = ''; // Initialize as empty foreach ($el['atts']['pagelayer_image_map'] as $key => $data) { $data_cord = isset($data['path']) ? $data['path'] : ''; $data_id = isset($key) ? $key : ''; $data_link = isset($data['link']) ? $data['link'] : ''; $el['atts']['pagelayer_map_path'] .= "<path class='pagelayer-imgmap-item' d='' stroke-width='2' data-cord='" . $data_cord . "' data-id='" . $data_id . "' fill-opacity='0.3' fill-rule='evenodd' data-link='" . $data_link . "'></path>"; } } if(empty($el['atts']['pagelayer_map_path'])){ $el['atts']['pagelayer_map_path'] = ' '; } $image_atts = array( 'name' => 'img_map-id', 'size' => 'img_map-size' ); pagelayer_get_img_srcset($el, $image_atts); }