Direktori : /home/medipszd/www/bower_components/jvectormap/converter/ |
Current File : //home/medipszd/www/bower_components/jvectormap/converter/processor.py |
import sys import json import csv import shapely.wkb import shapely.geometry import shapely.ops import codecs import os import inspect import copy from osgeo import ogr from osgeo import osr from booleano.parser import Grammar, EvaluableParseManager, SymbolTable, Bind from booleano.operations import Variable class Map: def __init__(self, name, language): self.paths = {} self.name = name self.language = language self.width = 0 self.height = 0 self.bbox = [] def addPath(self, path, code, name): self.paths[code] = {"path": path, "name": name} def getJSCode(self): map = {"paths": self.paths, "width": self.width, "height": self.height, "insets": self.insets, "projection": self.projection} return "jQuery.fn.vectorMap('addMap', '"+self.name+"_"+self.projection['type']+"',"+json.dumps(map)+');' class Converter: def __init__(self, config): args = { 'buffer_distance': -0.4, 'simplify_tolerance': 0.2, 'longitude0': 0, 'projection': 'mill', 'name': 'world', 'width': 900, 'left': 0, 'top': 0, 'language': 'en', 'precision': 2, 'insets': [] } args.update(config) self.config = args self.map = Map(args['name'], args.get('language')) if args.get('sources'): self.sources = args['sources'] else: self.sources = [{ 'input_file': args.get('input_file'), 'where': args.get('where'), 'name_field': args.get('name_field'), 'code_field': args.get('code_field'), 'input_file_encoding': args.get('input_file_encoding') }] default_source = { 'where': '', 'name_field': 0, 'code_field': 1, 'input_file_encoding': 'iso-8859-1' } for index in range(len(self.sources)): for key in default_source: if self.sources[index].get(key) is None: self.sources[index][key] = default_source[key] self.features = {} self.width = args.get('width') self.left = args.get('left') self.top = args.get('top') self.minimal_area = args.get('minimal_area') self.longitude0 = float(args.get('longitude0')) self.projection = args.get('projection') self.precision = args.get('precision') self.buffer_distance = args.get('buffer_distance') self.simplify_tolerance = args.get('simplify_tolerance') self.for_each = args.get('for_each') self.emulate_longitude0 = args.get('emulate_longitude0') if args.get('emulate_longitude0') is None and (self.projection == 'merc' or self.projection =='mill') and self.longitude0 != 0: self.emulate_longitude0 = True if args.get('viewport'): self.viewport = map(lambda s: float(s), args.get('viewport').split(' ')) else: self.viewport = False # spatial reference to convert to self.spatialRef = osr.SpatialReference() projString = '+proj='+str(self.projection)+' +a=6381372 +b=6381372 +lat_0=0' if not self.emulate_longitude0: projString += ' +lon_0='+str(self.longitude0) self.spatialRef.ImportFromProj4(projString) # handle map insets if args.get('insets'): self.insets = args.get('insets') else: self.insets = [] def convert(self, data_source, output_file): codes = map(lambda g: g.properties[self.config['code_field']], data_source.geometries) main_codes = copy.copy(codes) self.map.insets = [] envelope = [] for inset in self.insets: insetBbox = self.renderMapInset(data_source, inset['codes'], inset['left'], inset['top'], inset['width']) insetHeight = (insetBbox[3] - insetBbox[1]) * (inset['width'] / (insetBbox[2] - insetBbox[0])) self.map.insets.append({ "bbox": [{"x": insetBbox[0], "y": -insetBbox[3]}, {"x": insetBbox[2], "y": -insetBbox[1]}], "left": inset['left'], "top": inset['top'], "width": inset['width'], "height": insetHeight }) envelope.append( shapely.geometry.box( inset['left'], inset['top'], inset['left'] + inset['width'], inset['top'] + insetHeight ) ) for code in inset['codes']: main_codes.remove(code) insetBbox = self.renderMapInset(data_source, main_codes, self.left, self.top, self.width) insetHeight = (insetBbox[3] - insetBbox[1]) * (self.width / (insetBbox[2] - insetBbox[0])) envelope.append( shapely.geometry.box( self.left, self.top, self.left + self.width, self.top + insetHeight ) ) mapBbox = shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon( envelope ).bounds self.map.width = mapBbox[2] + mapBbox[0] self.map.height = mapBbox[3] + mapBbox[1] self.map.insets.append({ "bbox": [{"x": insetBbox[0], "y": -insetBbox[3]}, {"x": insetBbox[2], "y": -insetBbox[1]}], "left": self.left, "top": self.top, "width": self.width, "height": insetHeight }) self.map.projection = {"type": self.projection, "centralMeridian": float(self.longitude0)} open(output_file, 'w').write( self.map.getJSCode() ) if self.for_each is not None: for code in codes: childConfig = copy.deepcopy(self.for_each) for param in ('input_file', 'output_file', 'where', 'name'): childConfig[param] = childConfig[param].replace('{{code}}', code.lower()) converter = Converter(childConfig) converter.convert(childConfig['output_file']) def renderMapInset(self, data_source, codes, left, top, width): envelope = [] geometries = filter(lambda g: g.properties[self.config['code_field']] in codes, data_source.geometries) for geometry in geometries: envelope.append( geometry.geom.envelope ) bbox = shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon( envelope ).bounds scale = (bbox[2]-bbox[0]) / width # generate SVG paths for geometry in geometries: geom = geometry.geom if self.buffer_distance: geom = geom.buffer(self.buffer_distance*scale, 1) if geom.is_empty: continue if self.simplify_tolerance: geom = geom.simplify(self.simplify_tolerance*scale, preserve_topology=True) if isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon): polygons = geom.geoms else: polygons = [geom] path = '' for polygon in polygons: rings = [] rings.append(polygon.exterior) rings.extend(polygon.interiors) for ring in rings: for pointIndex in range( len(ring.coords) ): point = ring.coords[pointIndex] if pointIndex == 0: path += 'M'+str( round( (point[0]-bbox[0]) / scale + left, self.precision) ) path += ','+str( round( (bbox[3] - point[1]) / scale + top, self.precision) ) else: path += 'l' + str( round(point[0]/scale - ring.coords[pointIndex-1][0]/scale, self.precision) ) path += ',' + str( round(ring.coords[pointIndex-1][1]/scale - point[1]/scale, self.precision) ) path += 'Z' self.map.addPath(path, geometry.properties[self.config['code_field']], geometry.properties[self.config['name_field']]) return bbox class Geometry: def __init__(self, geometry, properties): self.geom = geometry self.properties = properties class GeometryProperty(Variable): operations = set(["equality", "membership"]) def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def equals(self, value, context): return context[self.name] == value def belongs_to(self, value, context): return value in context[self.name] def is_subset(self, value, context): return set(value).issubset(set(context[self.name])) def to_python(self, value): return unicode(value[self.name]) class DataSource: def __init__(self, config): default_config = { "projection": "merc", "longitude0": 0 } default_config.update(config) self.config = default_config self.spatialRef = osr.SpatialReference() projString = '+proj='+str(self.config['projection'])+' +a=6381372 +b=6381372 +lat_0=0' #if 'emulate_longitude0' in self.config and not self.config['emulate_longitude0']: projString += ' +lon_0='+str(self.config['longitude0']) self.spatialRef.ImportFromProj4(projString) def load_data(self): self.source = ogr.Open( self.config['file_name'], update = 0 ) self.layer = self.source.GetLayer(0) if 'filter' in self.config and self.config['filter'] is not None: self.layer.SetAttributeFilter( self.config['filter'].encode('ascii') ) self.layer_dfn = self.layer.GetLayerDefn() self.fields = [] field_count = self.layer_dfn.GetFieldCount() for field_index in range(field_count): field = self.layer_dfn.GetFieldDefn( field_index ) self.fields.append({ 'name': field.GetName(), 'type': field.GetType(), 'width': field.GetWidth(), 'precision': field.GetPrecision() }) self.geometries = [] for feature in self.layer: geometry = feature.GetGeometryRef() geometry.TransformTo( self.spatialRef ) geometry = shapely.wkb.loads( geometry.ExportToWkb() ) if not geometry.is_valid: geometry = geometry.buffer(0) properties = {} for field in self.fields: properties[field['name']] = feature.GetFieldAsString(field['name']).decode('utf-8') self.geometries.append( Geometry(geometry, properties) ) self.layer.ResetReading() self.create_grammar() def create_grammar(self): root_table = SymbolTable("root", map( lambda f: Bind(f['name'], GeometryProperty(f['name'])), self.fields ) ) tokens = { 'not': 'not', 'eq': '==', 'ne': '!=', 'belongs_to': 'in', 'is_subset': 'are included in', 'or': "or", 'and': 'and' } grammar = Grammar(**tokens) self.parse_manager = EvaluableParseManager(root_table, grammar) def output(self, output): if output.get('format') == 'jvectormap': self.output_jvm(output) else: self.output_ogr(output) def output_ogr(self, output): driver = ogr.GetDriverByName( 'ESRI Shapefile' ) if os.path.exists( output['file_name'] ): driver.DeleteDataSource( output['file_name'] ) source = driver.CreateDataSource( output['file_name'] ) layer = source.CreateLayer( self.layer_dfn.GetName(), geom_type = self.layer_dfn.GetGeomType(), srs = self.layer.GetSpatialRef() ) for field in self.fields: fd = ogr.FieldDefn( str(field['name']), field['type'] ) fd.SetWidth( field['width'] ) if 'precision' in field: fd.SetPrecision( field['precision'] ) layer.CreateField( fd ) for geometry in self.geometries: if geometry.geom is not None: feature = ogr.Feature( feature_def = layer.GetLayerDefn() ) for index, field in enumerate(self.fields): if field['name'] in geometry.properties: feature.SetField( index, geometry.properties[field['name']].encode('utf-8') ) else: feature.SetField( index, '' ) feature.SetGeometryDirectly( ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb( shapely.wkb.dumps( geometry.geom ) ) ) layer.CreateFeature( feature ) feature.Destroy() source.Destroy() def output_jvm(self, output): params = copy.deepcopy(output['params']) params.update({ "projection": self.config["projection"], "longitude0": self.config["longitude0"] }) converter = Converter(params) converter.convert(self, output['file_name']) class PolygonSimplifier: def __init__(self, geometries): self.format = '%.8f %.8f' self.tolerance = 0.05 self.geometries = geometries connections = {} counter = 0 for geom in geometries: counter += 1 polygons = [] if isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.Polygon): polygons.append(geom) else: for polygon in geom: polygons.append(polygon) for polygon in polygons: if polygon.area > 0: lines = [] lines.append(polygon.exterior) for line in polygon.interiors: lines.append(line) for line in lines: for i in range(len(line.coords)-1): indexFrom = i indexTo = i+1 pointFrom = self.format % line.coords[indexFrom] pointTo = self.format % line.coords[indexTo] if pointFrom == pointTo: continue if not (pointFrom in connections): connections[pointFrom] = {} connections[pointFrom][pointTo] = 1 if not (pointTo in connections): connections[pointTo] = {} connections[pointTo][pointFrom] = 1 self.connections = connections self.simplifiedLines = {} self.pivotPoints = {} def simplifyRing(self, ring): coords = list(ring.coords)[0:-1] simpleCoords = [] isPivot = False pointIndex = 0 while not isPivot and pointIndex < len(coords): pointStr = self.format % coords[pointIndex] pointIndex += 1 isPivot = ((len(self.connections[pointStr]) > 2) or (pointStr in self.pivotPoints)) pointIndex = pointIndex - 1 if not isPivot: simpleRing = shapely.geometry.LineString(coords).simplify(self.tolerance) if len(simpleRing.coords) <= 2: return None else: self.pivotPoints[self.format % coords[0]] = True self.pivotPoints[self.format % coords[-1]] = True simpleLineKey = self.format % coords[0]+':'+self.format % coords[1]+':'+self.format % coords[-1] self.simplifiedLines[simpleLineKey] = simpleRing.coords return simpleRing else: points = coords[pointIndex:len(coords)] points.extend(coords[0:pointIndex+1]) iFrom = 0 for i in range(1, len(points)): pointStr = self.format % points[i] if ((len(self.connections[pointStr]) > 2) or (pointStr in self.pivotPoints)): line = points[iFrom:i+1] lineKey = self.format % line[-1]+':'+self.format % line[-2]+':'+self.format % line[0] if lineKey in self.simplifiedLines: simpleLine = self.simplifiedLines[lineKey] simpleLine = list(reversed(simpleLine)) else: simpleLine = shapely.geometry.LineString(line).simplify(self.tolerance).coords lineKey = self.format % line[0]+':'+self.format % line[1]+':'+self.format % line[-1] self.simplifiedLines[lineKey] = simpleLine simpleCoords.extend( simpleLine[0:-1] ) iFrom = i if len(simpleCoords) <= 2: return None else: return shapely.geometry.LineString(simpleCoords) def simplifyPolygon(self, polygon): simpleExtRing = self.simplifyRing(polygon.exterior) if simpleExtRing is None: return None simpleIntRings = [] for ring in polygon.interiors: simpleIntRing = self.simplifyRing(ring) if simpleIntRing is not None: simpleIntRings.append(simpleIntRing) return shapely.geometry.Polygon(simpleExtRing, simpleIntRings) def simplify(self): results = [] for geom in self.geometries: polygons = [] simplePolygons = [] if isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.Polygon): polygons.append(geom) else: for polygon in geom: polygons.append(polygon) for polygon in polygons: simplePolygon = self.simplifyPolygon(polygon) if not (simplePolygon is None or simplePolygon._geom is None): simplePolygons.append(simplePolygon) if len(simplePolygons) > 0: results.append(shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon(simplePolygons)) else: results.append(None) return results class Processor: def __init__(self, config): self.config = config def process(self): self.data_sources = {} for action in self.config: getattr(self, action['name'])( action, self.data_sources.get(".") ) def read_data(self, config, data_source): self.data_sources["."] = DataSource( config ) self.data_sources["."].load_data() def write_data(self, config, data_source): data_source.output( config ) def union(self, config, data_source): groups = {} geometries = [] for geometry in data_source.geometries: if geometry.properties[config['by']] in groups: groups[geometry.properties[config['by']]]['geoms'].append(geometry.geom) else: groups[geometry.properties[config['by']]] = { 'geoms': [geometry.geom], 'properties': geometry.properties } for key in groups: geometries.append( Geometry(shapely.ops.cascaded_union( groups[key]['geoms'] ), groups[key]['properties']) ) data_source.geometries = geometries def merge(self, config, data_source): new_geometries = [] for rule in config['rules']: expression = data_source.parse_manager.parse( rule['where'] ) geometries = filter(lambda g: expression(g.properties), data_source.geometries) geometries = map(lambda g: g.geom, geometries) new_geometries.append( Geometry(shapely.ops.cascaded_union( geometries ), rule['fields']) ) data_source.fields = config['fields'] data_source.geometries = new_geometries def join_data(self, config, data_source): field_names = [f['name'] for f in config['fields']] if 'data' in config: data_col = config['data'] else: data_file = open(config['file_name'], 'rb') data_col = csv.reader(data_file, delimiter='\t', quotechar='"') data = {} for row in data_col: row_dict = dict(zip(field_names, row)) data[row_dict.pop(config['on'])] = row_dict for geometry in data_source.geometries: if geometry.properties[config['on']] in data: geometry.properties.update( data[geometry.properties[config['on']]] ) field_names = map(lambda f: f['name'], data_source.fields) data_source.fields = data_source.fields + filter(lambda f: f['name'] not in field_names, config['fields']) def remove(self, config, data_source): expression = data_source.parse_manager.parse( config['where'] ) data_source.geometries = filter(lambda g: not expression(g.properties), data_source.geometries) def remove_fields(self, config, data_source): data_source.fields = filter(lambda f: f.name not in config['fields'], data_source.fields) def remove_other_fields(self, config, data_source): data_source.fields = filter(lambda f: f['name'] in config['fields'], data_source.fields) def buffer(self, config, data_source): for geometry in data_source.geometries: geometry.geom = geometry.geom.buffer(config['distance'], config['resolution']) def simplify_adjancent_polygons(self, config, data_source): simple_geometries = PolygonSimplifier( map( lambda g: g.geom, data_source.geometries ) ).simplify() for i in range(len(data_source.geometries)): data_source.geometries[i].geom = simple_geometries[i] def intersect_rect(self, config, data_source): transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation( data_source.layer.GetSpatialRef(), data_source.spatialRef ) point1 = transform.TransformPoint(config['rect'][0], config['rect'][1]) point2 = transform.TransformPoint(config['rect'][2], config['rect'][3]) rect = shapely.geometry.box(point1[0], point1[1], point2[0], point2[1]) for geometry in data_source.geometries: geometry.geom = geometry.geom.intersection(rect) def remove_small_polygons(self, config, data_source): for geometry in data_source.geometries: if isinstance(geometry.geom, shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon): polygons = geometry.geom.geoms else: polygons = [geometry.geom] polygons = filter(lambda p: p.area > config['minimal_area'], polygons) if len(polygons) > 0: geometry.geom = shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon(polygons) args = {} if len(sys.argv) > 1: paramsJson = open(sys.argv[1], 'r').read() else: paramsJson = sys.stdin.read() paramsJson = json.loads(paramsJson) processor = Processor(paramsJson) processor.process()